


56 Sienna Hills Court SW,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T3H 2W3

Invoice Number INV-0007
Invoice Date December 30, 2022
Due Date December 30, 2022
Total Due $350.00
Palliser Music

Things that were addressed this month were:

  • Website backups
  • Plugin updates
  • Google Analytics 4 is setup and integrated with Google Site Kit on WordPress
  • Begin work on setting up the Palliser Music Facebook Page
    • WooCommerce Integration
    • Images
    • Plan posts
    • ActiveDEMAND integration
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Website backup & Updates
1 Troubleshoot & fix issues as they come up
1 Add/edit website content
1 Administer & Build any ActiveDEMAND emails/campaigns
1 Begin Social Media Strategy Implementation
1 Google Analytics 4 Setup & Integration with Wordpress
1 Monthly fee for all items $350.000.00%$350.00
Sub Total $350.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $350.00